Job Title: Frontend Developer
Code Name/Alias: React Girl Scout Alexandra


Alexandra’s journey from the DevOps server rooms to a React engineer can be defined as exciting, a little bit scary and definitely full of surprises! Along the way, she’s had her fair share of twists, turns, and ‘aha!’ moments. But hey, we’ll let her tell you all about the adventure herself—after all, it’s her story

The Beginning: A Dive into Support Operations and the road to React Software Development

Three and a half years ago, I walked into Ascendro with a mix of excitement and uncertainty. I started out with little experience and I had no clue what to expect. The first few weeks felt like trying to piece together an abstract puzzle—I was absorbing information rapidly, yet struggling to understand how everything connected. It’s a feeling many can relate to when starting a new role, and I often thought I’d never reach the level my colleagues demonstrated. It seemed like they were performing some kind of magic.

But, as in every great story, there was a mentor—a puzzle-solving master who guided me through those early challenges. Patient and always ready to explain complex concepts (often using metaphors), he was a source of wisdom and humor, especially when things got stressful. I’ll always remember the first time I received a happy email from a user I helped. I wanted to frame it and show it off to everyone.

In the final months of that role, I had the privilege of training someone else to take my place. It was only then that I truly appreciated the value of mentorship and the importance of helping others solve the puzzle on their own.

A Shift in Gear: From DevOps to a React native software engineer

About a year ago, I was presented with an amazing opportunity to switch to development—a move I had been eager to make. Moving from DevOps to frontend development was like shifting from driving a car to piloting a rocket ship. The learning curve was steep, but the excitement was palpable.

I started with a mentorship and a crash course in React software development. It was intense, challenging, but incredibly rewarding. I had the privilege to work alongside my mentor and another amazing colleague—both of whom are the real MVPs. They became my coaches, guides, and sometimes even therapists. They were always there to simplify complex concepts, challenge me to solve problems independently, and support me when I needed it most. 

The Power of Teamwork

One thing that stands out at Ascendro is definitely the people. Whether it’s peer programming, code reviews, or marathon debugging sessions, the spirit of collaboration and humor is always present. My transition wouldn’t have been as smooth without the continuous support of the team. I owe a huge thank you to these real MVPs for everything they’ve done.

Although I’m still on my journey to mastering frontend development, I hope to one day pay it forward and make my mentors proud. After all, what goes around comes around, right? I want to be there for others just as my mentors have been there for me. 

A Final Note

My journey at Ascendro has been nothing short of amazing. From solving tickets and updating servers to coding sessions and merging pull requests, I’ve had the change to grow both personally and professionally. I’m incredibly grateful for my colleagues, who have supported me along the way and for Ascendro’s commitment to fostering a culture of learning and growth, offering career switch up chances.

Here’s to the fantastic developers, the supportive team, and the endless passion that fuels us. And to the exciting road ahead, filled with more learning, more growth, and many more coding adventures.

If Alexandra’s story through the wilderness of DevOps and Frontend Development seemed inspiring, make sure to check out Andrew’s story, the tamer of cookie consent banner issues. 

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